Unseen Battles
Unveiling the Hidden Battles
In every city across our nation and the world, there is an unseen battle deeply felt by those who care advancing the kingdom of God. We are not talking about a clash of armies or war between nations, but a spiritual battle, a struggle for the minds and hearts of people. God has matched us with this generation and provided the weapons we need to defeat these invisible forces. Once we discover our authority and realize our power in Jesus Christ, we can operate in discernment and raise our awareness to know what kind of evil we are truly fighting. This struggle has been going on for many years. When we take our place in the kingdom, we put on the whole armor of God and are ready with the sword of the Spirit to strike at the heart of darkness.
Understanding Spiritual Warfare
In Ephesians 6:12, Paul explained our struggle in the spirit world and reminded us that our battle is not with flesh and blood but “against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Once we understand this truth, we know who our true enemy is, and we no longer need to blame others for our troubles. We must understand the true battleground for spiritual warfare is in the mind. Satan wants us to react to wrong thinking so He can provoke God to judge us. Notice when the enemy attacks, he aims to destroy our faith and take our joy, making us ineffective in the kingdom. Therefore, it is a divine mandate for us to know what we are fighting and have the confidence that God has given us the plan and the know-how to win.
The Gift of Discerning of Spirits
We must understand how vital discernment of spirits is and how valuable it is in this fight. This is not merely the ability to distinguish between right and wrong; it involves a spiritual sensitivity to recognize the divine and demonic influences that impact and affect our world. Once we see the hand of the enemy at work, we are prepared when He tries to lead us away from faith, hope, and joy and take us down a path that leads to bitterness, woundedness, and offense. These evil spirits bring confusion and despair. God, give us insight into the supernatural to judge the true nature of spiritual influences at work and bring the right weapon to bear, with the right spirit.
Authority and Power in Spiritual Warfare
We are not left defenseless. The word of God has empowered us, and through baptism in Jesus’ Name we have been endowed with authority and power over every hurtful dart, strategy, and attack from our enemy, the devil. Luke 10:19 assures us, “I have given you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will by any means hurt you.” Wow, what a promise!
Once we accept what the Bible says about who we are in Christ and the voice of the Lord affirms we are His children, the enemy cannot change or defeat our relationship with Jesus Christ. He has no place here. He has no quarter here. He is hindered when we stay connected to our power source.
When we learn to submit, we can be guided by the Holy Ghost to receive power according to the power that works in us. It allows us to stand in the evil day and resist the temptation to quit believing. We refuse to listen to the whispers of gossip and the denial of the enemy. Our faith rises and fights for us by speaking the word in prayer, praise, and preaching to dispel the darkness and overcome with the light,
wielding the weapons of faith, prayer, and the Word of God.
The Predominant Spirits We Battle
In Pensacola, as in many parts of the world, we contend with spirits that foster division, fear, materialism, and moral relativism. These spirits work tirelessly to erode our faith, our families, and our church. They seduce us into worshiping the idols of our age – be it power, pleasure, or prosperity – leading us away from the eternal and towards the world.
The spiritual battles we face in Pensacola and the world over can often be attributed to a few predominant spirits. These include the spirits of division, deception, fear, and despair. These forces seek to undermine the fabric of our faith, sow discord among believers, blur the lines between truth and falsehood, incite irrational fears, and drive individuals into the depths of hopelessness.
1. The Spirit of Division thrives on creating rifts within families and churches, eroding the unity that is our strength. Division seeks to pit us against one another, breaking the bonds of fellowship and unity central to our strength. Materialism and moral relativism cloud our judgment, enticing us to value the creation above the Creator and to lose sight of absolute truths in a sea of subjective opinions.
2. The Spirit of Deception distorts truth, leading individuals away from sound doctrine and into confusion and error.
3. The Spirit of Fear aims to paralyze individuals, keeping them from fulfilling their divine purpose and calling through anxiety and worry. Fear whispers lies of doubt and inadequacy, attempting to paralyze us and distance us from the love and promises of God.
4. The Spirit of Despair seeks to drain hope, leaving individuals feeling defeated and unable to persevere in their faith journey.
The Path Forward
Our adversary is a roaring lion, always seeking his next victim; therefore, we are urged to stand firm and “put on the whole armor of God” (Ephesians 6:10-18). As we use our weapons against the enemy: the word, the spirit, the name, and the blood, then we are able to defeat Satan and his devices. Without God’s guidance and empowerment, this would be impossible. That is why unity in the body of Christ is essential if we are going to have power over all the power of the enemy. When we live the oneness of God by becoming one with the body, we can walk in authority and power.
Yes, the battle rages all around us, but thank God, we are not defenseless. Once we understand our authority and can discern the true nature of our battle, then by the power of the Holy Ghost, we can become more than conquerors. So, have courage, be diligent in prayer, remain steadfast in the faith, and never cast away your confidence because in Jesus Christ we have the victory.
Let us come into an agreement of faith with others engaged in the same battle. Again, let’s put on the whole armor of God, buy the truth and sell it not, keep praying, and stay consecrated to Jesus. When we do this, we will become strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. No enemy will be able to penetrate the hedge, and we will be safe for the Lord is our mighty tower, our refuge in the storm, and our citadel of strength in the battle.
Remember, we were not meant to fight this battle alone. We need others to help us wrestle the forces of darkness. We need each other’s support, accountability, and collective prayer so our efforts will become anointed and effective. Together, equipped with discernment, aware of our authority, and vigilant against these spirits that besiege our world, we can navigate the complexities of this spiritual warfare, holding fast to the promise of victory in Christ Jesus.