Character, sacrifice, and tenacity are the ingredients you need to finish strong.

 CHARACTER is the first ingredient:
        Emotions are unreliable allies.

One moment they propel us forward, while the next minute they impede our progress.

People guided primarily by emotion must feel good before doing right.

They make popular choices, choosing whichever route is most convenient.

They are concerned about protecting their rights instead of taking care of responsibilities, and they are easily discouraged by adversity.

Emotion might drive us to make a decision, but character, or discipline, is what keeps us going when the journey gets hard.

A person with character makes decisions on principle, not on the basis of what is popular. He or she honors commitments instead of catering to convenience.

High-character, disciplined individuals work steadily regardless of circumstance, creating their own momentum by dint of a steady work ethic.


SACRIFICE is the second ingredient:

Sacrifice is a leader’s constant companion.

As influencers, we must give up to go up, ever exchanging our rights for greater responsibility.

I believe most people expect to pay a price to achieve their goals. Yet, many people seem to have a vague concept of sacrifice, viewing it as something distant or far-off.

Consequently, when their goals demand a significant investment, people are bewildered and resist giving up anything.

If you desire to finish strong, you will need to sacrifice earlier than expected and to give up more than is comfortable.


TENACITY is the third ingredient:

Tenacity means quitting only when the job is done, not when you’re tired. Much of life is spent laboring in the trenches.

“There is nothing so fatal to character as half-finished tasks.” (David Lloyd George)
To reach the finish line, you must wade through tedious details, take care of thankless tasks, and tie up thousands of loose ends.

“To finish first, you must first finish.” Rick Mears

Most people tire along the way, settle for second-best, and stop before reaching their goals.

However, a select few push on, refusing to stop until they’ve taken hold of their dreams.

“People who stall in their personal growth work often have counterproductive soft addictions that stand in their way of growth and having the life they say they want. It can be a simple thing, such as watching TV instead of finishing a project.” Judith Wright

What makes a great finisher?

Preparation: “It’s not time here (during a game) to do your work. No. That’s why you have the bullpen. Because here? It’s time to get it done” (Verducci 4).

 Focus: is when “No emotions get in the way. Ever. He is able to take all that energy of the moment and channel it into everything he has to do. Why doesn’t everybody do that? Not everybody has the power or self-discipline” (Verducci 3).

 Mental Toughness: No one avoids failure. It not whether you will experience setbacks, it’s how you respond to them that will make the difference. Even when you have failures don’t let it change your confidence, only your tactics, and your manner.

“It’s not so important who starts the game but who finishes it.” John Wooden

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