Restoration God has empowered the church with covenant promise and through prayer we can establish perimeters of possibility. Even while we are faced with despair we can create new potential for restoration and growth. We can become the image of Christ in the earth through His transforming power and then take authority over the ruin…

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Learned in Darkness, Spoken in Light Matthew 10:27, What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. As Christians, most of desire to be used of God and we feel that empowerment of the Holy Ghost in us when we…

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The number 13 has been shunned for centuries; we have been led to believe that it is taboo. Friday the 13th is considered the unluckiest day of the month, It’s considered to be unlucky to have thirteen guests at a table, many architects even omit the number 13 from office buildings to this very day.…

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It is my delight to introduce our very first blog post, ushering in a new era of connection, and growth within our Section. This blog, tailored exclusively for you, will serve as a source of enlightenment as we navigate the adversity, we all face today in our spiritual journey. As we embark on this venture,…

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In the tapestry of biblical teachings, a recurring theme stands out – the principle that inheriting the promise is often tied to one’s adherence to divine principles. This concept is not merely a historical or theological assertion but a living, breathing guideline for how we, as believers, can align our lives with God’s plan and…

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Tests reveal a believer’s potential and maturity. Psalms 26:2 Examine me, O Lord, and try me; test my mind and heart. Nearly every moment of life is a test. However, there are “seasons of testing” that can be identified, understood, and passed if we are alert. When God tests believers, he takes them through a…

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Vision The original meaning of the word “saw” is to “cleave, or split, then to see into, to see through, to go beneath the surface and to discover the real nature.” Biblical vision means to be “perceptive.” Biblical vision also includes the ability “to see the final state, to see the end in the distance, the…

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Character, sacrifice, and tenacity are the ingredients you need to finish strong.  CHARACTER is the first ingredient:               Emotions are unreliable allies. One moment they propel us forward, while the next minute they impede our progress. People guided primarily by emotion must feel good before doing right. They make popular choices, choosing whichever route is most convenient.…

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Follow these three simple steps: Relax, request, and read. 1. Wait on God (relax). Be still for a minute; don’t come running into God’s presence and start talking immediately. Follow God’s admonition: “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10a NIV). Be quiet for a short time to put yourself into a reverent mood. 2.…

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What Every Leader NeedsBy: John Maxwell, Earlene Perkins & Brian Kinsey Every master has either his text or his tools for the job he is given to do. The words and the weapons are necessary for a general to mobilize his troops to meet the enemy and defeat them. Whether you are going to war or…

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